
We believe what happens Monday - Saturday is just as important if not more important than Sunday Morning. To help you with this we have resources available for you.


Fasting is a spiritual discipline that Jesus expects of His followers. It is denying the physical to experience more of the spiritual. Fasting demonstrates the depth of our desire - we are serious enough about more of Him to pay a personal price. Join us in fasting this month.

We are excited to offer you access to a streaming library of more than 20,000 Bible Study videos for kids, students, and adults! Click the button to start your free account

Right Now Media

Trail Map Assessment

We have created a resource for you to be able to assess where you are as a disciple of Jesus and how to take purposeful steps on your journey.

Shape Test

This is a 30 - 60 min assessment to help you and us find the best place for you to serve here at Frost Creek.