1. Next Steps

Be a part of the Frost Creek Family

We know that not everybody is ready to move at the same rate, but we know that God is patient with us as he lays out our next step and we want to model him in that. We would love to connect with you if you want to talk about where you are currently at and where you want to go.

2. Visit

If we could use one word to describe the feel of Frost Creek it would be FAMILY. We encourage you to come as you are. We are less concerned with what is on the outside than what is on the inside.

Before our services, greeters will be standing at our front doors ready to welcome you. They are also available to answer any questions you have about the morning services. 

We join in worship and fellowship every Sunday at 10 am.

3. Be Known

Get plugged into the community

It is important to be in community with other believers, which is why we have Men’s & Women’s Groups. These are smaller communities within Frost Creek that exist to bring people closer to each other and closer to God. 

4. Be Grown

This point in the journey does not look the same for everyone. God may be calling some to join a growth group or serve in a  ministry; He may even be calling some to roll up their sleeves and do some physical work.

Wherever you are, we want to help you take that step. Visit our Be Grown tab for more details.