About the Church

Frost Creek Church is a Jesus loving, bible believing Wesleyan church in Cedar Springs, Michigan. Frost Creek is more than a building—a program—a worship style—or even an organization. We are a living, moving, growing body made up of uncommon people who come together for a common purpose—Knowing Jesus and Being Jesus. We thrive in and through the lives of people whose simple desire is to know and worship God and to share the message of Christ’s love to the world.

Launched in 2021, Frost Creek is a campus of Berkley Hills church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Frost Creek is a new family, birthed out of the merger of Berkley Hills and Solon Center Wesleyan Church. We’ve taken some of the culture and DNA from each of our parent churches and contextualized it to meet the needs of our surrounding communities, following the leading of the Holy Spirit every step of the way!

Our mission statement is simple - Knowing Jesus. Being Jesus.

Our desire to Know Jesus goes beyond learning facts or simply repeating a prayer; it is a relationship that is built through work and commitment. The ways we work to build our relationship with Jesus has changed over the years, but the foundation of our knowledge has not—God’s Word.

We not only work to know Jesus, but we strive to express our relationship with Jesus to others. We are continually presented with opportunities to Be Jesus to those around us, and the deeper we know Jesus, the better equipped we are to serve.

Our Beliefs

At Frost Creek, what we believe is summed up by Wesleyan doctrine and our own Core Values.

  • The Bible is filled with stories about people who were willing to risk everything, even their lives for God. Jesus Christ is the greatest example of this and He is calling us to live our lives in the same way. When we choose to live a life that is fully devoted to Jesus Christ it involves risk, but the reward is worth it!

    Luke 9:23-27, Genesis 12:1-4, Exodus 3, Acts 21:10-14

  • God is our creator and loving father who desires and deserves our love and devotion. God desires our love in many ways, but is most pleased when the deepest desire of our lives is to praise and follow him. Here are some of the practical ways that we believe we show God our love and devotion, Prayer, Reading the Bible, Worshipping in song, Serving others and Giving our lives to be used to do His work.

    Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Matthew 22:37, Exodus 20:1

  • Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Jesus demonstrated an attitude of love and acceptance for us to follow. Love is an unselfish concern that freely accepts another and seeks God’s best for them.

    Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 22:37-39; Luke 10:30-37; John 13:34-35; Romans 13:9-10, 15:7; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 John 3:14-18, 4:7-12

  • God has blessed us with the church body as a source of support, encouragement and accountability in our lives. We are committed to sharing our lives with one another in worship, growth and service. Your desire to become a member of this church signifies that you are committed to the people of this church and are want to grow in relationship with them so you might better worship, grow and serve with them.

    Acts 2:42-47; Romans 12:15; I Corinthians 12:12-30

  • We have been called to feed the poor, heal the sick, to take care of the widow and orphan. Our world is filled with people who have been abused, abandoned and forgotten. God has given us the privilege to care for them. Our service is birthed out of the Spirit’s longing in us to show Jesus love to the world. We have also been called to share with others the message of forgiveness, new life and hope found in Jesus. It should not be our duty but honor to serve others and share such a life-transforming gift with others.

    Micah 6:8; Matthew 20:25-28; Luke 10:25-37; Philippians 2:3-11; Matthew 5:13-16; 9:12-13, 25-28; I Peter 3:15

  • The Bible is filled with stories about people who were willing to risk everything, even their lives for God. Jesus Christ is the greatest example of this and He is calling us to live our lives in the same way. When we choose to live a life that is fully devoted to Jesus Christ it involves risk, but the reward is worth it!

    Luke 9:23-27, Genesis 12:1-4, Exodus 3, Acts 21:10-14